作者:admin来源:本站原创发表日期:2016-05-16 13:31:42
课题:Unit5 Reading Theme parks ---fun and more than fun |
科目:高中英语 |
教学对象: 高二学生 |
课时:1课时reading |
提供者: |
单位: |
一、教学内容分析 |
本单元的语言素材涉及摩天轮、旋转木马、过山车、蹦极运动、自由落体车、赛车等娱乐方式及各类主题公园内容,具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解生活、运动与休闲,了解中外文化,增强世界意识,有利于培养积极的生活态度。Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文内容有趣、易于理解。作者不仅讲述了主题公园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公园。我们引导学生了解和比较不同主题公园的特色后,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展,鼓励学生自行设计公园的主题活动,鼓励学生积极想象、培养创新能力。 |
二、教学目标 |
Learning goals: Train the students’ reading ability , understand the main idea of the text-----theme parks----fun and more t5han fun Ability goals : Through skimming the text, answer some simple questions; through careful reading , know the main ideas of each paragraph and some information; understand the difficult sentences and important sentence patterns Emotion goals : by comparing a park and a theme park and understanding the development of theme parks, students can realize that people can not only have fun but also learn some educational knowledge |
三、学习者特征分析 |
高二的学生比较活泼,好奇心很强,有丰富的想象力,共同的活动和参与能调动起不是很积极的同学。本班的学生同样具有这样的特点,因此在老师的引导下,定能让全体同学都能在轻松愉快的氛围下完成本节课的学习。文章中的话题都是学生们很关注的问题,因此,更能激发学生的兴趣。 |
四、教学策略选择与设计 |
采取学案导学的教学模式,让学生主动获取知识,自主思考研究问题,教师也不再是单纯的知识输出者和介绍者,为了更好的引导学生学习,课前需要思考研究很多问题。 主要的教学方式有:Skimming; Scanning; detailed reading and Task-based. |
五、教学重点及难点 |
本节课的重点是让学生理解主题公园的概念以及世界著名的主题公园; 理解其主题内涵;激发学生热爱生活,积极进取,合作创新;侧重培养学生对文章的整体性结构的把握。 |
六、教学过程 |
教学步骤 |
教师活动 |
学生活动 |
设计意图 |
Step1 Lead-in(2′) Watch a vedio about the activities On Halloween and tell the topic of the class |
Play the vedio |
Watch the video |
通过观看视频的形式导入到与课文相关的“theme parks”这一话题,顺利过渡到课文内容的阅读。 |
Step 2. Fast reading (5′) TaskI. Predicting: Go through the title of the reading text and the pictures on P.34, try to guess what the text is about. Guided questions: 1)How many theme parks are described in the text, what are they ?______________ 2) What kinds of the theme parks do you know ? ______________ Task2 Skimming : 1. What’s the main idea of each paragraph? 2. Get the main idea of the passage |
tell them to skim the text and the way of skimming to grasp the main idea |
Predict and answer the questions Read and find out the important adj.and n. to describe the main idea of each paragraph |
《指导意见》中要求学生能根据文章的题目和插图预测文章的主要内容,并通过略读来检验原先的预测是否正确,有助于后一步对课文的深入剖析。 |
Step3 : Detailed reading (20′) 1. Finish the table below: (Ex 2 P35)
Task2: Fill in the blanks Lily , Jim, Tony, Jane and Kate want to visit a theme park. After reading the text, Please give them some suggestions. 1). Lily is interested in the life of ancient people, so she could visit _______. 2).Jim wants to experience rides, especially-the wooden roller coaster. so____is a good place for him. 3). Tony is a cartoon fan, so he could probably visit______. 4). Jane is a girl who likes fantasy and loves fairy tales very much, so she is advised to visit ___. 5). Kate is crazy about American country music, so she may go to ____ Task3. Know about the features of the passage 1. Where do you think would probably see this kind of writing? 2. What kind of passage of this text _______. 3. The text is developed according to ______. 4. Understanding the outline----find out which of the following best shows the structure of the passage. |
Ask questions and give some direction Analyze some special features of the passage |
Read the passage in details Think and choose the right theme parks Choose the best answers and understand the structure of the passage |
《指导意见》要求学生通过阅读,列举出各主题公园的活动。培养学生迅速获取有效信息的能力和快速解决阅读问题的能力。 模仿高考试卷中阅读理解题最后一个题型(任务型阅读),以书本为载体将教学与高考题型训练密切联系。 《指导意见》要求学生以理解内容为主,同时引导学生注意课文的结构。帮助学生掌握旅游景点简介的语篇结构特征,引导学生注意作者是如何介绍的(写作顺序、主题句等)。 |
Step4: Comprehending (8′) 1) The title " Theme Parks---Fun and more than fun" suggests that ___________. 2). Which statement is True according to the text? 3) What does the word " unique" (para.3) mean? 4) What can we infer from this passage? 5) What's the writer's purpose of writing this text? 6) Which of the following can follow the last paragraph ? |
Ask the questions |
Answer the questions in individual |
通过细读,透过字面意思,理解深层含义,从而更好的理解全文,同时与高考阅读理解出题的形式有机的结合。 |
Step5. Discussion (summary) (5′) 1. What is the theme of Disneyland? Disneyland is a theme park where you can ___________. 2. What attract you most in Dollywood? It's______________that attracts us most. 3. Why are you interested in Camelot park? There we will enter a world of fantasy about __________. 4. From this text we learn that there are various kinds of ______ in the world, such as Disneyland for ___________, Dollywood for _______and Camelot park for history of ____. |
divides the class into groups of four, and ask students to report the result |
Discuss and give different opinions |
这一环节的设置是让学生从对课文内容的理解上升到对自我生活的反思,是一种真实的交流。体现了“reading for reflection(improvement、communication)”. |
Step 6 Homework Task1. Tell the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.(textbook P35) Task 2. Summary Task 3. Review the text and make sentences with the words and phrases. |
检查对文章的掌握情况,培养summary能力。 |
七、教学评价设计 |
八、板书设计 |
theme parks Disneyland: magical fantasy amusement park Dollywood: unique traditional culture park Camelot : ancient English history park |
九.教学反思 本堂课教学中的亮点: 1.课堂设计独到,任务性强。《课程标准》中指出,本课程倡导任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功,实现了英语在真实情境中的应用。 2、学案中练习的设计巧妙结合高考阅读题型,更强调了教学的实用性。让学生觉得他们所学的内容是非常重要的,在维持学生兴趣与注意力方面起到了很大的作用,因而能更加地重视每一堂课。 3、在教学环节或教学活动中,灵活采用集体问答、个人或小组活动等多种形式,让全体学生主动并乐意地参与课堂教学活动,同时,让学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 本堂课值得商榷的地方: 1、在PPT制作方面稍微注意改一下底色,要考虑到坐得比较靠后的学生可能看不大清。 2、最后discussion部分稍显仓促,留给学生的时间太少,限制了学生自主学习和互相交流的机会及充分表现和自我发展的空间。 |